Wednesday, July 15, 2015

21 Days of Courage

Hey guys!

Thank you so much for joining me for 21 Days of Courage! Getting to walk through this journey of discovering how to have courage in the face of our fears with you has been powerful and I'm so glad you took a step of faith by even signing up.

One thing I know for sure is that everyone you know struggles with some type of fear, even if they are able to put on a brave face. If 21 Days of Courage was helpful to you, I'd like for you to think about who else in your life can use 21 Days of Courage to start their mornings.  You, of all people, know how quick and easy it is to sign up, but to make it even easier, here's the direct link. If there's a friend or family member that you know who is struggling with fear, I hope this 21 Days of Courage would be a way for them to hear truth, and start their mornings encouraged. If it's helped you, would you share it with someone who could use it?
I'll be praying for each one of you as you continue to walk through this journey of learning to trust in a God that specializes in the impossible! Lean into the uncertainty of your dreams that God has given you, trusting that God will give you the strength to walk on water!



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