Help the Hurting in Your Church with Celebrate Recovery
- When the economy is struggling people in your church and community are hurting. They are facing the possibility of losing their jobs, their homes, or struggling just to pay their monthly bills. They can feel hopeless and defeated.
- History has proven that during times like these the number of people turning to addictions and compulsions greatly increases. When people are hurting, they turn to anything to numb the pain. They start abusing alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, and one another.
- In the United States, there are already 18 million alcoholics, 4 million drug addicts, 16 million sex addicts, and 4 million addicted to food. The list goes on and on. These numbers are only going to increase during the months to come!
Over 19,000 churches have found a way to help individuals with any kind of hurt, hang-up, or habit. They started a Celebrate Recovery – a Christ-centered Recovery program based on God’s Word.
I am praying that you, or a team from your church, will consider attending a Celebrate Recovery One-Day Seminar. You will learn everything you need to know about starting a Celebrate Recovery in your church. For more information go to
If you already have a Celebrate Recovery Program currently running in your church, we will also have an Advanced Leadership Training track. It will help your leadership team be more effective in helping the individuals that God sends to your church to find victory over their hurts, hang ups, and habits.
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