Last week we sent you an e-mail about the tremendous opportunity we have to stand with our persecuted family members in Nigeria who have lost a limb at the hands of radical Muslims.
We thank all who have prayed and contributed to VOM’s Families of Martyrs Fund, which serves the needs of these living martyrs!
need for prosthetic limbs continues to grow, as radical Muslims try to
eradicate Christians from Nigeria. We will work to meet every one of
these needs and will stand with these believers as much as we are able.
can be difficult to comprehend the suffering our family members endure,
especially in countries like Nigeria, where attacks continue to
intensify. Even more astounding is their steadfast faith in the face of
these violent attacks. They are a testament to Christ’s love, and they
encourage us in the realization that our true hope lies only in Him!
If you would like to view a list of resources on the persecuted church and online specials from VOM, please visit secure.persecution.com.
This online offer is being presented by The Voice of the Martyrs. For additional information, you may contact us by clicking here or calling our order line at 800-747-0085. To view our privacy policy, click here.