Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Healing Balm

A Healing Balm

Consider a child who has fallen and grazed its knee. It runs inside crying to its mother, and she applies a soothing balm to heal the wound and take the pain away.

So it is with me my child. I am like that soothing, healing balm. I love you with an everlasting love. And whenever you are in need, just like that child running to its mother for comfort, so you can run into my strong arms.

For my child I know your needs, your desires and your stresses. I know all the cares that you have in your heart, and I want to wash those cares away. I long for you to come to me with your cares and problems. For my arms are big and strong and my heart loves you. You don’t have to ever think that I do not care or want to soothe those things away.

For as you run to me and rest in my arms and let me take those cares away from you, I will show you what I have planned for you. And indeed all my plans are for good! It is the enemy who tries to throw things at you to unsettle you or trip you up.

But now you need to look to me and let me show you those plans. Give me those wounds and hurts. Let me heal them and pour on that soothing balm. Then I will show you the wonderful future that we have together.

And if you need to do things or make changes to your life in order to get to those good things, I will slowly and gently begin to show you how to make those changes. I will never push myself on you, but when you give me license I will work on your behalf and help you to make the changes.

I love you my child! I want the best for you! Come to me now. Make that first move, and then look up and rejoice at the wonderful future that I have for you says the Lord!

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