Saturday, January 30, 2016

Searching for Hope

The need for Nepal's indigenous ministries to build new houses is greater than ever as freezing temperatures and an economic blockade threaten survival, six months after this pastor sat atop the rubble of his home following two major earthquakes. "This is the time to build," the leader of a ministry based in Nepal said. "We have sent relief such as food, clothes, blankets, tarpaulins, metal tin roofing, and a large water tank for one community, but the big recent need is building houses." In one village, a ministry is helping to build 40 houses, including 10 for families who are not Christian, an effort expected to smooth the way for sharing the gospel. "These groups were shifted from their village, which was damaged by earthquakes and landslides," the director said. "We are building houses with the cooperation of a local church." He and other indigenous ministries appealed for funds to build houses as costs have skyrocketed due to the blockade.

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