Friday, December 18, 2009

I Have Changed Your Path

I Have Changed Your Path

As a river that has been diverted to flow in a new direction, so I have brought change into your life says the Lord. Therefore do not be surprised by this sudden change of events and the fact that the direction you were heading has suddenly disappeared.

For I know the end from the beginning, and I saw what lay in your path. Therefore I changed your direction to prevent you from going through difficulties. I also did it to bring you to a place where you can gain access to those things that you need in order to fulfill your goals.

Do not be dismayed, but know that I am indeed still in control of your life. And the plans and goals that you had before will still be fulfilled in the future. But right now they will not be fulfilled the way that you expected.

Just trust Me and know that I am doing this because I love you and desire to bless you. I am not seeking to withhold anything from you, but I earnestly desire to give you even more than you have wanted. Therefore I have moved on your behalf to take you to a new level.

And the goal that you were headed for has now been greatly increased and moved to a higher level. Therefore I have had to take you by a new route to reach that destination.

Let go therefore of your old plans and look to Me alone now for direction. Then set your new plans in motion and run speedily towards this new goal that lies before you. For I will give you even more than you desired, and I will provide even those things that you did not ask Me for says the Lord.

I know your heart, and I know your commitment. Therefore it pleases me to bless you in even greater measure than you expected.

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