Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Day 21 of 21 Days of Courage


Did you know that the most repeated command in Scripture is “Don’t be afraid”? More than anything else in the Bible God tells us to “have courage."  And do you know what this command is almost always followed up with? A promise. And the promise is “I will be with you." God doesn’t promise us there won’t be storms. He just promises that he’ll be with us in the storms.

The promise from God is not that you won’t fear. The promise is not a life that is free from trouble and worries and challenges. The promise is that he will be with you in the midst of your fear. If you get out of your boat, you will face problems. There is a storm out there and your faith will not be perfect and you will sink. But I know two other things -
When you fail, Jesus will pick you up.
And, every once in a while, friends, you are going to walk on the water!

I can’t tell you how thankful I am that we’ve had the opportunity to spend the past 21 days together. I hope it’s been helpful to you. I hope that your courage has been strengthened and you’ve been challenged to live a life of faith.

And in closing I just want to remind you - living a life of faith doesn’t mean you won’t have doubts along the way; everyone has an element of both doubt and faith.

In fact, doubt and faith have been battling the human heart - your heart - for a long time. Eventually one of the two wins out.  I’m praying that you’ll choose faith over fear. That’s what courage is all about. It’s not the absence of doubt and fear, it’s choosing faith and trust in the midst of doubt and fear.

Can’t wait to hear all about your water-walking experience. The best is yet to come!


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