Saturday, June 17, 2017

Step Out Boldly

Step Out Boldly

My child, you do not have to be afraid of the unknown. You do not need to be afraid to step out into the waters. For indeed, it is when you step out into the deep, that you will see miracles. It is when you step off the cliff, that you will feel the wind beneath your wings, and feel the freedom of letting go of control. It is then that you will see my Hand move in ways that you did not before.
So step out boldly and let go. Trust in Me, in faith, that if I have told you to take a step, I will also catch you. Let go of your reasoning, let go of your fears, and believe in the Word that I have given.
When I speak and you step out in obedience, you will see favor. You will see blessing and you will know that I can do anything I want to do. Indeed, your strength and ability can take you only so far, but when you put your faith and hope in Me, you can be brought to the highest pinnacle and see from a view that you did not think possible.
You will see yourself accomplishing and living out visions that you could not do on your own. So step out boldy, in faith, trusting in the impossible. Amen.

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