Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Restored Through a Safe House

Restored Through a Safe House
"I read the Bible for my mother, because she is illiterate. I like doing that, because I dream of becoming a Sunday School teacher someday. I want to teach children about the love of Jesus, because I have experienced it myself.” (Yati)
Yati, (alias) and her family, experienced the love of Jesus first-hand while in the midst of an intense struggle for survival. With the tragic death of her father, Yati, along with her mother and siblings, were thrust instantly into a world of poverty and despair. Stripped of their home and source of income, they faced a seemingly hopeless situation…but instead they chose to trust in Jesus.
Only 25,000 Christians live in the densely populated province in Indonesia that Yati’s family calls home. Yet, somehow, God placed the right believer in their path to put them in contact with an Open Doors ministry safe house. Surrounded by the support they so desperately needed, Yati felt hope for the first time since her father’s untimely death. She says that it was through the daily Bible lessons and livelihood training that her faith grew deeper. Then, when the family was given financial assistance to start a small business, she knew undeniably that God had been watching over them, even in their darkest hours.
Though no longer destitute, Yati wanted to help her family more. At a three-day gathering that Open Doors organized, she met a Christian family that hired her as a house-helper. Her new employer added to the blessing by sponsoring her to attend a sewing school.
“There were days when we had nothing to eat, but Jesus never left us. He always sent His miracles. In everything, my mother and I are on our knees in prayer, and God has never failed to help us,” Yati shared with a joyful smile.
One With Them
Is there something in your life that you are trying to do on your own? Be One With Yati as you turn that decision over to Jesus and trust in God’s provision. Please join in prayer today for those suffering for Christ and who are living in safe houses… and pray for the faithful saints who compassionately nurture them to a place of hope.
Consider helping a persecuted family by supporting an Open Doors safe house.


As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God! (Psalm 40:17)

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