In The Name Of Jesus - Messiah
Some say
that Turkmenistan is one of the most restrictive countries in the
world. The government has a monopoly on internet access and uses a
computer program to search emails for coded words, and to block
suspicious messages. According to the latest available statistics, less
than five percent of the population is using the internet. Broadcast
media is also under strict government control. There are seven
state-owned TV and four state-owned radio networks. Though satellite
dishes and programming provide an alternative to the state-run media,
officials sometimes limit access by removing satellite dishes.
Given this highly restrictive system, it is not surprising that independent public activity is not allowed, and virtually every meeting is suspiciously monitored. The “quasi-religious personality cult” style of leadership, established by past presidents, has led the nation into a spirit of obedience. Any group considered deviant, or not showing reverence to the president, will come under enormous pressure. All religious groups are required to be registered with the Council on Religious Affairs; all non-registered religious activity is illegal. According to government records, there are 121 religious organizations and seven religious groups that are registered; of these, 104 are Islamic. Obtaining registration is a long and tedious bureaucratic process which can take years. Closely watched by the government, there are also informers who infiltrate churches to determine if they are doing anything illegal. Christians have to be careful, even amongst each other, about what they say and how they say it. Raids on church services are common, and even registered groups suffer from searches and questioning. But for Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) all of these challenges are exasperated by pressure from their families and community to recant their faith. One With Them Although no Christian bookshops exist in Turkmenistan, Christian radio and television programs have become available via satellite broadcast. Open Doors estimates that today there are around 95,000 Christians in the country. Be One With the young, but growing, church in Turkmenistan praying for believers to have the freedom to openly worship Jesus, the Messiah, without fear or hindrance. And during Ramadan, pray for the Holy Spirit to supernaturally fill Turkmen citizens, who have been indoctrinated with cult teachings, with a hunger for the truth. One With Them CHALLENGE Youth across the Muslim world are a wide-open mission field. Consider giving a gift that can help to produce youth-specific multimedia programs for the internet, radio and satellite TV. Media programs such as these can reach many more young lives with the gospel.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
In The Name Of Jesus - Messiah
In The Name Of Jesus - Lamb
In The Name Of Jesus - Lamb
Darussalam, which means “Brunei, house of peace”, is a very small
country on the Island of Borneo, bordering the much larger Malaysia. It
is a young country, gaining independence from British rule in 1984. Due
to large oil and gas findings dating back as far as 1924, it is among
the wealthiest nations on earth. In terms of GDP per capita, it ranks
fifth worldwide and reportedly is one of only two nations without public
by a Sultan from a royal line that reaches back to 1363, he is a
protector of Islam, and promotes Islam in all spheres of life. While the
constitution grants religious freedom, only three Catholic and three
Anglican churches are recognized; unregistered churches are considered
‘illegal sects’ and are strictly monitored by the government.
Brunei’s legislative council meets once a
year in a strict advisory capacity. This means that politics are done
largely by the Sultan, and by the addresses he gives. In a recent
announcement, he introduced obligatory Islamic religious studies for all
schools, pointing the nation toward stricter conservatism.
One With Them
Be One With Them as you join in praying this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father, as the country of
Brunei is known as the “house of peace,” we pray today for citizens of
Brunei, to embrace Your Son, the Prince of Peace. It concerns us that
the children of Brunei are mandated to study Islam. Father, we pray that
even with this indoctrination into false teachings, the knowledge of
Jesus will be revealed, causing a hunger for truth. Father, Your Son
died for all of us, even those who do not know you in Brunei. As we pray
on our knees, we ask for the blood of the Lamb to cover them, remove
the scales from their eyes… and bring them unto You. Amen.
In The Name Of Jesus - The Life
In The Name Of Jesus - The Life
Shedding tears of joy, twenty-members of the Gereja Pantekosta di Indonesia (GPDI) Church were unable to contain their emotions as they waited to greet their 59-year-old pastor, Bernard Maukar, as he was released from prison. Saying that he “grew stronger in his faith” while in prison, Pastor Bernard is praising God for our prayers.
for operating the church without a permit, Pastor Bernard shares, “At
first I felt sad, because [I knew] I wouldn’t see my family for three
months. But when I prayed, God continually reminded me that He loved
me…I had more time to pray and read the Bible while I was in prison, and
I grew stronger in my faith in the Lord [as a result].”
in jail didn’t stop Pastor Bernard from sharing his faith with others.
On one occasion, two Muslim prisoners asked him to pray for their
healing. A few hours later the men were healed – they have since
promised to come to Pastor Bernard’s church once they are released.
During his time in prison, an Open Doors
worker was able to visit Pastor Bernard and give him a One With Them
wristband. It was a reminder to him that he was not alone and that
Christians around the world were praying for him. “I was strengthened
when I learned that many people, whom I never knew, were praying for me.
I really like the wristband. It was unique and many people in prison
asked me where I got it,” smiling, Pastor Bernard adds. “Thank you for
being with me!”
One With Them
Indonesia, one of the most populated countries in the world, with around 240 million citizens, is 86% Muslim. This 17,000-island nation has more than 360 ethnicities, and 700 dialects; some estimate that the majority of the world’s “unreached people groups” are located here. But, as tiny as the Christian community is, it is strong! Embracing the “Great Commission,” Indonesian Christians boldly share the gospel message. Be One With Them as you pray during Ramadan for all Indonesians, just like these two Muslims that Pastor Bernard met while in prison, to come to know true Life in Christ.
In The Name Of Jesus - Light Of The World
In The Name Of Jesus - Light Of The World
an Egyptian businessman running a bookshop in Benghazi, Libya, was
arrested on February 1, 2013. It has been made know that during his
detainment he has been physically abused. While there is no official
charge against him, nor has he appeared before court, he remains in
Recently, some Egyptians and three non-Arab workers have also been detained. Libyan police officials have explained that they have been arrested on suspicion of proselytizing, although no formal charges have been submitted against them. These are among several reported injustices that Christians have endured since the revolution that toppled Muammar Gaddafi. Under the rule of Gaddafi the situation for Christians was already extremely harsh, and foreign workers often faced intolerances. But today, the new central government still does not have control over the numerous armed groups, and the social unrest and intolerance remains at a very high level. One With Them Christianity has existed in Libya since New Testament times. With the emergence of Islam, the church was almost obliterated by the 12th century. With 97% of the population Sunni Muslim, the Christian community is facing uncertain times. Today, Be One With Them as you pray for the release of these men and others who have been unjustly accused. But also pray that while in prison, the Holy Spirit will comfort and sustain them… and pray, for the Light of Christ dwelling within them, to pierce Libya’s spiritual darkness.
Friday, July 26, 2013
In The Name Of Jesus - King Of Kings
In The Name Of Jesus - King Of Kings
Oman, an
Islamic country since the seventh century, is the oldest independent
state in the Arab World. It is a wealthy, well-educated nation, ruled by
a Sultan. While experiencing a degree of religious freedom, Islam is
the state religion. So, in order for missionaries to get the gospel
message into the country, they have to devise clever methods.
A few
years ago a missionary, frustrated with the limited success he was
having in spreading the gospel, decided to go where no else dared go.
The road was long and tiresome, and he had plenty of time to chat with
God. Not knowing the area or the people, he was concerned about how they
would react, and asked God to guide him.
As he drove into the village, he saw men
sitting, chatting and drinking coffee. He walked toward the group, and
before he could even take a seat, an elderly man invited him for a cup
of coffee. John accepted the offer and silently thanked God for the
swift response to prayer.
The man
introduced himself as Ali and asked that he come with him. Walking at a
quick pace they took a narrow road that led them into a valley.
Eventually they stopped beneath a tree where Ali took out a small pot,
filled it with water, and then buried it in the warm sand saying that it
would take “just a few minutes” for the water to boil.
the men were chatting a scrap of a book lodged in a tree branch caught
the missionaries’ eye. Ali told him that it was a book of stories saying
that he loved reading them, and regularly told them to his visitors;
adding that many returned to hear more stories.
Astonished, he saw that it was a portion of a Gospel; well-worn with many pages missing. Explaining to Ali that it was only a part of the Book, he asked Ali if he would like the whole Book. Ali eagerly smiled in agreement. With a quick step, John hurried back to his car to fetch a Bible. Returning to Ali’s “coffee shop,” with the Book clenched under his arm, he proudly presented Ali with his new Bible.
One With Them
He is the King of Kings! Even when this missionary showed concern over traveling to a remote place, He was already there! Today, take a moment to marvel at His omnipresent presence, that He is everywhere! Be One With Them today in prayer that the true stories of Jesus would come to life in Ali and everyone who hears them. And especially during Ramadan, pray that Omanis, and their Sultan, will recognize, and turn to, the King of kings. |
Thursday, July 25, 2013
July's Praise Report
July's Praise Report

For those living in Egypt, Ramadan, the holy Islamic month, has been marred by political upheaval and turmoil. President Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood, when forced from power on July 3, spun the nation into protests, division and chaos. The uncertain future was cause for concern... but also came hope... and answers to years of prayer! In response, Christians have been given a powerful opportunity to share the love of Jesus to a divided nation.
Read More
Community Behind Bars
Community Behind Bars
Sometimes, when we think of our neighborhood or community, we think of where we shop, work, attend school, and worship at church. This is our home, our refuge, places that are familiar to us. But for most, we would never think of our community behind prison walls! This is exactly what Isaac and Daniel thought when they were arrested. At first stunned that a mere snooker game would turn deadly... and then being arrested, these men, along with 16 others, were unjustly sentenced to prison for crimes they did not commit.Isaac shares, "Once we accepted that jail was an opening for us to live out our testimonies, the Lord granted us the grace to use our time in prison for His glory." Flogged, beaten and tortured, the men, never succumbed to despair, instead they used every opportunity to bring others to Christ! Isaac adds, "After spending two years behind bars, my heart is at peace."
Read More
In The Name Of Jesus - King
In The Name Of Jesus - King
It has
been three years since Laleh accepted the Lord Jesus as her Savior. “I
came to know the Lord through several crucial events in my life. It all
started when my sister-in-law gave me a Bible. Shortly after, I became
interested in what I was reading and started watching the weekly
teachings on satellite TV. I was so captivated by what I heard through
these teachings, that I began to participate in a small house church.”
Joyfully, Laleh added, “I finally experienced the Lord’s peace. It was
what I had been searching for all along! I know now that I found the
real God.”
comes from a large Muslim family. While her conversion to Christianity
would have caused controversy and strife within most Muslim households,
Laleh has had a very different experience. “They are not hostile towards
me,” she assures. “My family is accustomed to praying together; and
also fasts together during Ramadan.” However, though Laleh is blessed to
live in relative peace, her conversion has made life difficult. As a
result, Laleh continually seeks to find ways to share the Gospel with
her family. “I am committed to pray for my family members,” she states,
“and I daily ask God to reveal to me an acceptable way to witness to
them about Jesus.” One day, during her regular time of intercession,
Laleh was struck with a creative solution. The Lord had answered her
Inviting her family for a tea party, they spent the afternoon chatting, eating cookies and fruit, while drinking tea. “Just before the end of the party I thanked my family for visiting my home as this is a normal custom in Iraq according to the rules of hospitality," Laleh shares. "Then I proposed that we pray for the relatives and friends we had been talking about during the party. At first everyone was quiet. After answering their questions, I again proposed that we sit down and pray. Surprisingly, they agreed! As they prayed, they struggled to find the right words. However, despite their hesitancy, I was excited to notice that everyone had experienced a new kind of joy through this time in prayer. This experience has encouraged me to invite my family members regularly. It is my deepest desire to share with them about Jesus, so that they too can know the real God.” One With Them Thank God that the tea party was such a success! Be One With Them, one with believers like Laleh, whose boldness to share about Jesus during Ramadan impacted her family for the Kingdom of Christ. As little as one decade ago, Iraq was home to one of the largest Christian communities in the Middle East. But today, due to war and oppression, a mass exodus is taking place. Christianity is on the verge of extinction. Join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in Iraq for a revival to take place. Pray that many Muslims will once again worship the true King! |
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
In The Name of Jesus - I Am
In The Name of Jesus - I Am
The body
of Christ in Yemen is small in numbers. Most keep their faith a secret
as there have been several hostile situations against Christians.
Concerned of being discovered, or being publicly exposed, they are
cautious. Fortunately contact with foreigners is possible. A person who
works in the country recently shared his thoughts:
“Most believers in Yemen are
first-generation Christians. This means that their family and clan are
Muslim. The tribe is the most important relationship a person can have.
Its laws and traditions are more important than government rules. If
there is a dispute inside a tribe or clan, the government will typically
not intervene. Caution, and keeping a low profile, is part of daily
life for a Yemeni Christian.
“Over the past few years we have seen and
heard reports about both local believers, as well as foreigners being
kidnapped or even killed. For foreigners, they are generally deported by
the government. Muslim Background Believers (MBB) on the other hand can
be ‘dealt with’ within their own tribe. In that sense, the tension for
MBBs is very high. Family and extremist groups threaten apostates with
death when they do not come back to Islam. Evangelism is prohibited, but
there is some religious freedom granted by the government.”
One With Them
For Yemeni Christians, being set apart for Christ is a journey down a difficult path. Please pray for encouragement and strength as you stand One With Them during Ramadan. Tensions often run higher during this time, but also many are seeking the truth, pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to all Tunisians, drawing them to the great I Am.
For Yemeni Christians, being set apart for Christ is a journey down a difficult path. Please pray for encouragement and strength as you stand One With Them during Ramadan. Tensions often run higher during this time, but also many are seeking the truth, pray for Jesus to reveal Himself to all Tunisians, drawing them to the great I Am.

“’Very truly I tell you,’ Jesus answered, ‘before Abraham was born, I am!’”
(John 8:58)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
In The Name of Jesus - Holy One
In The Name of Jesus - Holy One
Tunisia is rich in Christian history. Some of the early church fathers, Augustine and Tertullian, lived in this country. Also many churches had been established. Sadly over the centuries, most of its memory was destroyed when Islam was introduced. But, in the early 20th century a reemergence of the church began and a few churches for foreigners were built. And, by the end of the century there were a handful of local believers.
then the number of believers has grown. Marked by a tolerance for
Christians, in 2005 local believers were even allowed to meet for
worship in the buildings of the expat churches. Now there are several
local groups worshipping in Tunis. There are also groups in Sousse and
Sfax, and individual believers are scattered throughout the country. In
other words, the church in Tunisia is growing!
Tunisians are showing an interest in the
Christian faith. Through Bible lessons and sermons, made available on
radio, television, and the internet, and from personal witness, many
have come to faith. But as quickly as they accept the new faith, some
fall away. Backsliding is a problem that persists. Many say that the
concept of being part of the body of Christ is hard to comprehend.
Currently it is estimated that there are 1000 - 1500 Muslim Background
Believers, the majority are between 18 and 35 years old. The Christian
community also consists of a larger group of expat believers, and a
small group of native-born citizens of European and Arab descent. The
total number of these groups is estimated at 24,000.
One With Them
Home of the Jasmine revolution which gave
rise to the Arab Spring, Tunisia was the country where democratic
transition seemed to have the greatest chance of success. However,
elections in October, 2012, were won by the Islamic Ennahda party, which
announced its intention to transform Tunisia into an Islamic state.
Foreign Christians have reported increased surveillance. During Ramadan,
be One With Them, the Tunisian Christians. Pray for courage and
discernment in sharing the gospel; and for many to turn to Jesus, the
Holy One, making Him the foundation of government and life.
Every year, Open Doors produces the World Watch List of countries where Christian persecution is most severe. Tunisia is currently ranked #30. Learn more about being a Christian in Tunisia at the WWL website. Click here.
The Good Shepherd Never Lost A Sheep
The Good Shepherd Never Lost A Sheep
concrete barricades, walls made of oil barrels and armed guards standing
sentry, it looks like a normal border crossing in the Middle East. But
what was once a busy crossing between Lebanon and Syria, today, it
stands quiet. Only now and then a car or a bus passes.
On one
side of the border, President Assad’s army is lashing out against
everyone opposed to him. On the other side, rebel fighters gather in
preparation to retaliate against the oppression. Christians are stuck in
the middle between the fighting factions.
from Al Qamishli once had a house and owned a business. “There were bomb
attacks in our city, but the most important reason to leave was that
life was impossible. We had no water, no electricity, no telephone,
nothing. The risk of being kidnapped dominated our decision to leave. I
was afraid that my 15-year-old daughter would be kidnapped. I brought
her to school and stayed waiting till the lessons were over and took her
home again.”
Living in the peaceful ambiance of a
monastery over the border in Turkey, more than 40 Christian families,
including Marcus and his wife and children, have found refuge. Hoping
for a visa to travel to France, he assures that it is “only temporary. I
hope to return to Syria when there is peace again.”
But Marcus is worried about his children.
“We were building our lives and then, all at a sudden, everything turned
upside down. They are depressed.” Wiping a tear from his cheek he adds,
“We pray every day to God that He will save Syria from ruination. We
pray for peace. We trust that through prayer things can change, that
things will get better in Syria.”
One With Them
Wars destroy and uproot so many lives. The war in Syrian is more than two years old and the number killed, the number internally displaced, and the number of refugees is staggering. It’s easy to wonder if God is still in control. Rest assured that He is. Be One With Them, with Syrian Christians, whom Jesus the Good Shepherd has claimed as the sheep of His pasture. His flock in Syria has been scattered but He promises to never lose a single one of us; pray with them that they might one day be able to follow the voice of the Shepherd back to Syria.
Friday, July 19, 2013
God Has Work Just For You
God Has Work Just For You
in the north-east corner of the Arabian Peninsula, Kuwait is one of the
smallest countries in the world in terms of land area. The flat, sandy
Arabian Desert covers most of Kuwait. Owning some of the world's richest
oil fields, Kuwait is a wealthy nation. Islam is the national religion.
And, although almost 100 percent of its citizens are Muslim, there are a
few hundred Kuwaiti citizens who are Christian, or are of other faiths.
In addition, the country has a large community of expatriate
who belong to groups recognized by the government are allowed to build
places of worship, although there are restrictions. The government
imposes quotas on the number of clergy and staff that recognized
religious groups can bring into the country. Members of unrecognized
congregations have reported that they are able to worship without
government interference, providing they do not disturb their neighbors
or violate laws regarding assembly and proselytizing.
Some would argue that Kuwait is one of the
most progressive nations in the Arabian Peninsula. Education is
important for its citizens… even education for women! In 2008 the adult
literacy rate was listed at 93.9 percent. In addition, the Kuwaiti
government offers scholarships to students accepted in universities in
United States, United Kingdom and other foreign institutes. This quest
for knowledge brings great hope for the Kuwait of the future.
One With Them
Please be One With Them, the Kuwaiti Christians, in giving thanks for their freedom to worship and practice their faith. Let’s pray that God uses them for good works that He prepared for them long ago, and that these works during Ramadan, will draw others to open their hearts to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
Please be One With Them, the Kuwaiti Christians, in giving thanks for their freedom to worship and practice their faith. Let’s pray that God uses them for good works that He prepared for them long ago, and that these works during Ramadan, will draw others to open their hearts to the conviction of the Holy Spirit.

A voice of one calling: "In the wilderness prepare the way for the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God."
(Isaiah 40:3)-25)
(Isaiah 40:3)-25)
The Everlasting Father, Always At Work For His Children
The Everlasting Father, Always At Work For His Children
visiting team of travelers sat huddled on wooden benches in the
mud-constructed home. Feeling the intensity of the Ethiopian noonday
sun, the group listened closely as a teen quietly recounted her story.
Just a
few months prior she had been hard at work in the marketplace, selling
goods for her family income. At the end of the day she wrapped up later
than usual. The group she normally walked home with had already left for
the day, forcing her to walk alone. Suddenly she found herself
surrounded by young Muslim men. Confiscating her cart and remaining
goods, they captured her and one of the men forced her to be his wife.
a week in her captor's home, constantly under guard, she saw no means
of escape. Still determined, she employed a tactic like the biblical
David in 1 Samuel 21. She pretended to accept the marriage and Islam
that was being forced upon her. The captors gradually began to believe
her and lightened the guard surrounding her. This gave her the
opportunity to slip out late one night when her guard fell asleep.
down dirt road after dirt road, trying to find her way home, she
suddenly came across a pack of hyenas. In the terror of the moment she
cried out, "The God who helped me escape, help me escape these hyenas
too!" Miraculously, the hyenas moved into a line behind her and began
following. They left only after she found the right road home.
Laughing, the young girl said she believed that the hyenas became her protector that day, adding that her captors would not have chased her down a road filled with hyenas.
One With Them
Ethiopia’s population is two-thirds Christian, and yet persecution exists. Authorities seem powerless to stop attacks on Christians or to bring the perpetrators to justice. Stand One With Them, praying in the name of Jesus, that the Everlasting Father will go ahead and come behind Ethiopian Christians, hemming them in and keeping them in the center of His Will. Praying for Muslim extremists persecuting Christians; they too need the grace that only Jesus can provide.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
In The Name of Jesus - Creator
In The Name of Jesus - Creator
Maheen and her husband lead several house churches in Iran. But after her husband’s arrest she feared the same for herself. Bringing her petition before God she pleaded, “Dear Lord, I am not ready to go to a solitary confinement because of my faith. As you know, I was born and brought up in a wealthy family. Please don’t test me beyond my ability.” Three days later, the secret police knocked on her door.
with God Maheen avowed, “I have already asked you not to put me in this
temptation. So whatever happens, it’s not my fault.” But, to her
surprise, when she arrived at the prison, “I felt God’s peace come down
on me and my fear went away.”
That night she was taken before the high
official. With the help of the Holy Spirit, Maheen shared, “It is an
honor for me to talk to people about Jesus. Like all other people and
Muslims, you also need Jesus in your life. Without Jesus, a person
doesn’t have peace and life is hopeless and without purpose. Jesus laid
his life down for you too, so that you can have salvation and not
The official responded in anger, “Do you
know the consequence of all this? You cannot evangelize me. It will cost
you a heavy charge.” Maheen responded, “If I don’t share the truth with
you, I will be accountable to God about it. Therefore I can’t keep
Taken back to her cell she was unable to
sleep wondering what would become of her. Then suddenly she heard a key
in the lock. As she watched the door slowly open, to her surprise,
standing in front of her was the high official!
“Don’t be afraid of me. I need your prayer.”
He continued telling her how her testimony in the courtroom had a
powerful impact on his life. “I need to be saved,” he pleaded. “I need
Jesus in my life. I believe God has sent you to this prison so that you
can share about salvation with me.” For three hours, Maheen talked to
the official about Jesus. Repenting his sins he committed his life to
Christ. A few days later, Maheen and her husband were released from
One With Them
Be one with believers like Maheen, who share the gospel in spite of the costs. Pray during Ramadan that Iranian Christians will find solace in Jesus; that through the power of His name, many will be drawn to the Creator of all things. Pray also that God will continue to touch the hearts of Islamic leaders and officials so that they too will come to know God as their Savior.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Never Alone, Never Forsaken
Never Alone, Never Forsaken
The following was written by a Christian leader in Egypt:
This morning, as I prayed, I was reminded of the shipwreck recorded in Acts 27. Explaining a hopeless situation, Paul wrote in verse 20, “When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved.” The verse reflects a state of despair, tiredness and failure of human wisdom. Hope has left the scene, leaving anxious and worried men wondering if they will never make it back to the shore again.
atmosphere around that scene portrayed by Paul, and the heavy feelings
felt on board that boat, are similar to the feelings many Egyptian
Christians experience today. We wake each day to more taxes,
skyrocketing food prices, salaries frozen or reduced, shortages of
electricity and water. Tensions between Muslims and Christians are
common. Any small conflict between a Christian and a Muslim can easily
get out of control. People get injured; houses, small shops and churches
are burned down, and people are killed. Most of the time, it seems the
authorities are powerless to bring order from the chaos.
Just as in Acts 27, this is a time where
Egyptian Christians can see neither sun nor stars appearing for many
days, and the storm continues to rage. It feels as if communication with
heaven seems to be on hold as we cannot see God responding to the cries
and worries of His people.
But in the midst we are learning the lesson. One pastor recently said these encouraging words, “Though many things are going wrong in Egypt, the spiritual situation of the church, and the numbers of people coming to the Lord and searching for the truth, from both Christian and non-Christian backgrounds, has never been greater! It’s a time of real victory and joy for us, and we are honored to live today and see what God is doing.”
God sent an angel to stand beside Paul and
encourage him, assuring him that they will survive. On a different boat,
in a different storm, it was Jesus himself who showed up to assure His
disciples. Christians today are also blessed. We have the Holy Spirit
living, not just by our side, but dwelling within us. That is the very
reason of joy, victory and real hope for the followers of Jesus in
One With Them
Praise God that He is in control. Even when events seem to be going way off course, God has something better in mind for His people. Praise God for glorifying Himself in Egypt right now, where testimonies show the larger number of Muslims coming to Christ. Still, times are very difficult and believers are suffering for Christ. Please stand One With Them - believers in Egypt - praying that in the midst of their current storms, they will continue to dwell in the comfort and power of our Wonderful Counselor. Let’s pray also for the new believers, that in these storms they continue to grow in their faith and the church will grow stronger.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Christ, The Cornerstone Of The Church
Christ, The Cornerstone Of The Church
Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria live in camps just across the border inside Turkey. So, the news announcing the creation of two more camps in the Turkish town of Midyat, just beyond Syria’s northeastern border, didn’t seem like much—at first. But the camp is being built specifically for Syrian Christians! Nowhere in the Islamic world has a refugee camp been built just for Christians fleeing from a neighboring country.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees fleeing the violence in Syria live in camps just across the border inside Turkey. So, the news announcing the creation of two more camps in the Turkish town of Midyat, just beyond Syria’s northeastern border, didn’t seem like much—at first. But the camp is being built specifically for Syrian Christians! Nowhere in the Islamic world has a refugee camp been built just for Christians fleeing from a neighboring country.
most Christian refugees in Midyat are staying at the Syriac Orthodox
monastery. Others live in apartments or in temporary shelters. The
refugees say they each have received 150 Turkish Liras, about 80 US
dollars, from the Turkish government, adding that it is the first
government support they have ever received. While appreciative, most of
all they’d like to have work permits; assured that there will be a need
for interpreters, and people with professional skills, once the camp is
In addition, several Christian organizations
are helping build the camp in what the Turkish Ministry of Foreign
Affairs calls “a state-of-the-art refugee camp with sports grounds, food
stores, health care and many other facilities lacking in similar
To avoid Muslim/Christian conflicts, a
building official has assured those who are against the project that
“the agreement with the government is that only Christians will be
allowed to stay in the camp located near the monastery. Besides, should
anyone commit a crime or create problems, that person will be sent back
to Syria.” He adds; “We hope and pray that there will be peace in Syria
and the situation for Christians will improve. The camp will be there if
the situation gets worse… just in case.”
One With Them
Turkey has always had the unique strategic position of straddling Europe and Asia. It has also been a melting pot of religions. Once a hope of the Christian world, it is now 99.6% Muslim. Please come alongside the believers in Turkey – Be One With Them - both the natives and those pouring in from Syria seeking refuge. Let’s lift them up for the Father’s protection and provision. Pray that these Christians will be the light on the hill and that God will use them to glorify the name of Jesus, the Cornerstone of His Church, in Turkey.
Turkey has always had the unique strategic position of straddling Europe and Asia. It has also been a melting pot of religions. Once a hope of the Christian world, it is now 99.6% Muslim. Please come alongside the believers in Turkey – Be One With Them - both the natives and those pouring in from Syria seeking refuge. Let’s lift them up for the Father’s protection and provision. Pray that these Christians will be the light on the hill and that God will use them to glorify the name of Jesus, the Cornerstone of His Church, in Turkey.

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone...
(Psalm 118:22)
(Psalm 118:22)
Christian Prisoner Tells Story of Her Arrest, Persecution and Departure from Iran
Christian Prisoner Tells Story of Her Arrest, Persecution and Departure from Iran

By Jeremy Reynalds
Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service
Mohabat News reported she said, "As we were leaving the house, I said to the older man, 'can I take my Bible with me?' He said 'yes.'"

By Jeremy Reynalds
Senior Correspondent for ASSIST News Service
(ANS) -- Just one day after Christmas
2010, security authorities arrested a number of Christian converts in
Esfahan, Tehran and other cities across Iran.
According to a story from
Mohabat Iranian Christian News Service, unofficial sources announced
that 60 people were arrested, some of whom were released later that day.
they attacked the houses of these Christians, Mohabat News reported,
security authorities confiscated their belongings, including computers,
books, CDs, etc. They also "mistreated" the Christians' family members.
Yar-Ahmadi ( Yasaman) came to faith in Jesus 10 years ago. She was
among the Christians arrested in Esfahan by Iranian security authorities
and spent time in prison for her faith.
Now that she has left the country, she is sharing the story of what she went through.
told Mohabat News at the time she was arrested by agents of the Iranian
Intelligence Service she was working with many believers across the
She commented, "The Iranian regime considered this to be a 'soft war' against Islam and the Islamic regime."
Her Arrest
to Mohabat Ne
ws, Yasaman said it was 7.30 a.m. the day after Christmas, and she was
still in bed when several tall strong men broke into her house. She said
a neighbor living on the upper floor had apparently opened the exterior
door for them.
Hearing all the noise, Yasaman said she initially thought she was dreaming.
News reported she said, "They were screaming 'cut the telephone line,
spread all over the house and start searching.' There were about 15 men
in all. I started shouting, 'who are you?' They did not reply. My mom,
who has heart disease was anxious and crying."
said she again asked the men what they wanted. She recalled telling
them, "'say something! My mom is scared.' One of them who looked to be
the oldest among them showed me a paper and said, 'we are here looking
for Christians. Who is a Christian here?'"
Mohabat News reported Yasaman said she remembered telling them not to do anything to her mom, as she (Yasaman) was a Christian.
turned to my mom and said, 'don't worry, they
are looking for me.' My mom was shaking. One of them was filming
everything with a camcorder. The older man told me, 'Do you clearly
confess that you are a Christian!? You can be killed for this."
Yasaman said she just looked at him and went to get some water for her mother.
to Mohabat News, Yasaman said they searched all over the house for
about an hour and found a lease with her name on it. It was for a house
she had rented in another neighborhood to be used as a house church and
as a residence for some believers.
said a man who seemed to be their boss said to her, "'how far have you
gone into this? The lease paper for the house in Malek-Shahr is under
your name. Have you started a church? Didn't you think about your poor
Yasaman said the other men wanted to take her away with them. Mohabat News reported she said, "As we were leaving the house, I said to the older man, 'can I take my Bible with me?' He said 'yes.'"
Mohabat News said Yasaman took her Bible and sat
in the car. "Then I started to read my Bible to engage my thoughts with the Word of God."
took Yasaman to the intelligence office in Dastgerd Prison. She said,
"I put my Bible in my pocket. They didn't search me. I was thinking to
myself, that if they found my Bible I would tell them 'you allowed me to
have it yourselves.'"
to Mohabat News Yasaman said they blindfolded her and took her to a
solitary cell. She continued, "There was just a carpet, an old blanket,
some empty bottles, a pocket-sized Quran and a Turbah (A clay tablet
Muslims use for their daily prayers). After half an hour of silence, I
heard a man begging, 'Don't beat me. Don't beat me!' My heart was
beating so fast."
said after a while the door of her cell opened, and she was ordered to
blindfold herself and come out. A man took her to the interrogation room
and she waited for what would happen next.
News reported Yasaman said two male interrogators main
ly asked her who she knew outside the country, who she worked with, why
she traveled to a foreign country and from where she obtained the Bibles
she had at home.
said, "It seemed they wanted to connect me and other Christian converts
to Israel and England, and prove that our activities were intended to
disrupt national security and ultimately overthrow the Islamic regime of
According to Mohabat
News Yasaman said as the hours passed, she grew tired. "The more I kept
quiet the more they threatened and cursed me to the point where they
eventually started to beat me. They also threatened to take my daughter
away. They knew every little detail about our house church which had
probably been obtained by monitoring our phone calls. They had also ...
several photos of people coming to and leaving the house church in
Yasaman said her first interrogation lasted 14 hours.
News reported she said, "Of course, the court issued a temporary prison
sentence for me so they transferre
d me to prison. I had hidden my Bible under a blanket in the corner of
my cell. When they took me away from there, I was praying that someone
would take that Bible and read it."
Situation in Prison
to Mohabat News, Yasaman said conditions in prison were very bad. There
were 63 in one cell, which was 24 square meters with 27 beds in it. The
rest were sleeping on the floor.
She said, "I was occasionally taken for interrogation, each occasion lasting about seven to eight hours."
News reported Yasaman said she was eventually released on bail after 37
days. However, authorities said they would call her again for her
Yasaman continued,
"Although I was released, I was under the government's watch and
sometimes called to report to the Intelligence Office. The mental
tortures continued even after I was released. After a while a date was
set for my trial. Since I didn't know what awaited me in the trial and
what kind of verdict I would receive,
I ... left my country in January 2013."
News commented, "It is worth mentioning that despite all these
persecutions, the Islamic regime of Iran knows that Christianity is
increasingly spreading across the country and penetrating the hearts of
many Iranians. However, the regime fails to realize that its life span
depends on God's will and that oppressing people's beliefs cannot
strengthen the shaky pillars of the regime."

God’s Word – The Bread Of Life
God’s Word – The Bread Of Life
inside Somalia, secret believers arrive at the agreed meeting place.
Carefully, reverently, the leader opens a folded piece of paper and
begins to read from it. This is the only copy of the written Word they
have. In Somalia, wracked by famine, crime and hopelessness, these
believers cling to His Word.
there is hope! In 2012, Somalia held its first democratic elections
after almost two decades of descent into unbridled violence, corruption
and chaos. In addition, the international community has joined in
supporting the rebuilding of the country.
As Somalia looks toward the future, they see
an increase in Somali nationals returning home from exile. Among them
are a generation born, bred and schooled in western countries. Many have
thrived living abroad, and are bringing back entrepreneurship and a
higher level of education.
“They have seen the benefits of living in
freer societies that follow the rule of law, and they have enjoyed
freedom of religion, freedom of associations, freedom to live their
lives as they see fit without interference. We pray that living in the
free world opened their minds and transformed their worldviews and that
they have become religiously tolerant,” commented an Open Doors’ East
African leader.
For now though, Christians are cautious
about celebrating. A new constitution, though not yet completed or
ratified, names Islam as the national religion. Religious freedom is
granted, but with some limitations, including the prohibition of
evangelizing any religion other than Islam. The doctrine of Islam is
named as the main source of the laws of the nation.
Threats linger for believers living in the
tightly knit communities bound by strong family and clan ties; taking
seriously the Hadith instruction, “The Messenger of Allah said, ‘Whoever
changes his (Islamic) religion, kill him.’” Because of this danger, and
until things change, many Christians have chosen to keep their faith
One With Them
Stand One With Them, these struggling and suffering believers, praying that soon their nation will be tolerant of all faiths and that there will be a revival of Jesus, the Bread of Life, in Somalia.
Friday, July 12, 2013
In The Name of Jesus – Beloved Son
In The Name of Jesus – Beloved Son
It has
been almost six years since the violent death of Gaza Christian bookshop
manager, Rami Ayyad. On that day in 2007, Rami left behind his pregnant
wife, Pauline, and two little boys George, aged 2, and Wisam, 9 months.
God has
used Pauline’s grief to lead her to establish a support group for
widows. The group consists of six widows, each with their own story.
During their time together, they discuss many topics; one in particular
is their concern for the children. Pauline’s children, George, the
oldest is now 8, Wisam is 7 and little Sama, who never knew her father
is 5. It isn’t easy raising three children alone, shares Pauline, “It
drains my energy to give them enough attention. The boys are also having
trouble studying and have switched schools a few times.” Her biggest
hope is that they stay close to the Lord and will live a life of love.
She also hopes that their hearts will not be full of anger adding, “I
haven’t told them what happened to their father yet.”
As Pauline visits each widow during the
week, she notices that each one processes her loss differently. “Some of
the women see no need to come to God for help and others are so hungry
for His Word.” Pauline admits that the Lord did not give her an easy
task. “Some of the women are really stuck in their grief and are unable
to get out. I pray that God will give me wisdom on how to talk to them.”
Many people have asked her how she can do this for other women after
all that she has been through. “It’s His love,” she replies. “God has
put it in my heart to serve Him this way.”
One With Them
From the days that Jesus walked on earth until today, Christians living in Palestinian Territories have struggled. Today, there are growing fears among Gaza Christians that their rapidly shrinking community could disappear altogether. Please be One With Them today in prayer, reminding them that they, like Jesus, are Beloved. Pray that the peace that is beyond understanding – that peace that only Jesus can provide – will be present in their lives.
In their 2009 book, Prayer – The Real Battle, Brother Andrew and Al Janssen talk about the Gaza Strip; “Gaza is a small strip of land, only 30 miles long and 7 miles wide, containing 1.5 million people, nearly all of them Muslim. Serving the estimated 2,000 Christians is one small evangelical church in the heart of Gaza City.” Caught between Jewish and Muslim worlds, this is a difficult place to follow Christ. Learn more about being a Christian in the Palestinian Territories, ranked number 36 on the Open Doors World Watch List of Christian persecution. Please consider leaving a prayer for our fellow brothers and sisters.
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